hello internet dwellers, i take the form known as cody

there isnt much to say about me, i dont know who i really am.

i like to code and progam tho i suck HARD, i also hack (31337 h4xØr) and mod nintendo consoles

i draw and paint and sometimes sculpt things outta clay, i play the piano, im learning german

subcultures are for fags, yet i continue to define myself in the rigid box of "goth", what does that make me?

i GUESS im a NEET or hikikomori but thats lame im sad as hell and my rooms a mess and i dont do anything but play video games and watch tv

the best games ever are doom, doom ii, doom 64, mario kart 64, mario kart ds, mario kart wii, quake ii, super columbine massacre!RPG, postal 2, minecraft, sonic, sonic 2, sonic adventure 2, jet set radio, gta san andreas, the simpsons hit and run, thps3, thps4, tony hawk underground, duke nukem 3d, guitar hero 3 and destroy all humans

i like alot of music. KMFDM, the smashing pumpkins, NIN, rammstein, marilyn manson, metallica, weezer, radiohead, koRn, the prodigy, the chemical brothers, alice in chains, the smiths, nirvana, failure. those are just my top bands, i listen to a few songs by an artist so i cant classify them as my favourites

i love cinema. my never changing top 5 are fight club, donnie darko, natural born killers, dude wheres my car and taxi driver. my other favourites are zero day, BASEketball, napoleon dynamite, lets scare jessica to death, bad ronald, scott pilgrim vs the world, killer klowns from outer space, willard 1971, mallrats, back to the future trilogy, the doom generation, the rocky horror picture show, slaughter high, american pyscho, bill and teds excellent adventure, a clockwork orange, hausu, return of the living dead and gummo

i watch far too much tv and its warped my fragile mind!!! all the violent video games and swear words on tv makes me want to shoot up a school AAAAAAAGHH!!! anyways i like daria, south park, beavis and butthead, family guy, the simpsons, jackass, neon genesis evangelion, the x-files, serial expirements lain, breaking bad and azumanga daioh

thanks internet person for reading all this vomit shit spew of words